What my clients say after working with me

“Being a quiet reserved woman, I had a self-care list that was full of quiet and relaxing things to do as I grew in my awareness of practicing self-care but desired to show up more as a Girl of Fun and Light. My struggle and challenges were in knowing what that looked like for me. I wanted to explore. Was it even possible for me? Through my marital struggles, I had lost sight of who that “ happy woman was”. I brought this challenge to coaching because I desired to be the best and happiest me that I could be for myself and my family.”

Dianne Marke
Kyabram, Australia

My coaching with Kome was a beautiful experience. I felt so accepted and safe. Kome really took time to listen and hear me and helped me see things about myself that were hidden and I thought even lost. As Kome shared the story of her own journey to becoming a Girl of fun and light, I felt so connected. I felt that she understood and I felt relief that I wasn’t alone in my challenge. I felt so safe being vulnerable. Kome’s story and laughter had me smiling and believing that I could find that place for myself.

Kome was so gentle and kind. She helped me see that my journey is different and unique to me. She encouraged me to experiment to find my inner child and the things that make me light up and shine. I loved how she explained what self-care meant to her, in being filled up to overflowing; that it gives you wings and have you bubble up with joy. I loved the picture Kome painted with her words; of being so filled up that your happiness flows over and touches others and they are attracted to you. I felt so inspired; so safe to be myself and experiment to find “My Girl of Fun and Light”.

I would highly recommend Kome to any woman who is contemplating private coaching. Kome has such a beautiful loving heart that desires to help and serve. I felt so at peace bringing my challenge to her. Kome’s inspiring, heartfelt coaching comes from her own real-life experiences and beautiful transformational story.

“When I partnered with Kome for coaching, my marriage was improving, but I still had a lot of control issues and blind spots around my relationships with my kids. There were walls built up between us that I could not see how I was contributing to.

I decided to get coaching when I saw that there were specific issues in the way of connection. My husband thought this thing (whatever that was) and I thought this other way (on the same topic) and I could not see how to get beyond that. Having a coach helped me to process these obstacles. The other benefit is accountability for my actions.

Gretchen Thomas
46, Tennessee, USA

During each session, there was a time to check in with some positives, so it made me look for them more in my situation. I also knew I was going to be able to ask about a challenge, so I had a place to go with my frustrations and confusion. Kome, always made me feel safe and heard which was a huge part of what I needed.

The biggest benefit for me from having a private coach was having someone hear my struggle and offer a new perspective. It allowed me to come out of my stuck place where could only see the negative. She also gave me specific things to focus on for myself so I felt empowered to DO something and not just go around in circles in my mind.

I was skeptical of using a private coach at first because I consider myself a self-motivated learner. I had already read dozens of books (literally) and made a lot of shifts for myself to have a more grounded identity, be more positive, take things less personally, and be more flexible. However, there were still long-term habits that I was blind to and had not begun to work through. Coaching for me was the final step I needed to break through the walls that had been built up in my life, not only with my husband, but with my Mom, my kids, and myself (how I interacted with other people). It helped me to show up as my best self and gain confidence in myself as a parent, as a wife, as a friend, and as a teacher.

“I felt a sense of need to change the dynamics in my marriage and the craving to rekindle a deeper intimacy with my husband. I was aware of the obvious disrespectful attitudes I exhibited but naive of the subtle ones which sometimes had a diverse effect on our relationship and the cost to our intimacy. As a Christian wife, my desire to have a better understanding and grow in how to show respect to my husband led me to read the empowered wife and listen to some of the podcasts by Laura Doyle. However, I was not consistent in implementing the skills and hence couldn’t experience the full benefits.”

Esther A.
50 y/o, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Thankfully, I was able to share my disappointments with Kome and decided to commence coaching. Each time I met with Coach Kome, she was always relatable, made me feel accepted, and identified with my struggles. I appreciate it when at the end of the session she’d ask ‘what should I acknowledge you for today?’ I never felt judged irrespective of what I said or did not say and I felt like I was not alone.

Kome’s powerful questions made me think much deeper and reflect on the ‘why’s’ ‘how’ and ‘What’ behind my thoughts. I learned to name my emotions, and recognize elements of disrespect to my husband which are usually disguised in nuances. With Kome sharing her own stories, I had moments of epiphany when I suddenly came to a better understanding of how to approach a situation I was experiencing.

I would absolutely recommend Kome to any woman desiring intimacy in her marriage because her vulnerability helped me delve into aspects of my relationship that I would have struggled to share. It is a humbling experience to acknowledge my own growth each time I saw myself through the lens of Kome’s experience in her journey of transformation.