Hi, I’m Coach Kome

“A quarrelsome wife is like the dripping of a leaky roof in a rainstorm; restraining her is like restraining the wind or grasping oil with the hand.” Proverbs 27:15-16

I am married to an amazing man but for many years I struggled in my marriage desiring deeper intimacy but failed miserably because I did not know that the skills that made me successful at work did not apply in my marriage.

I was feeling unhappy, frustrated, angry, resentful, and lonely in my relationship and would sometimes initiate bickering and fighting to get my husband’s attention and affection. I thought it was my husband’s responsibility to make me happy. It was until I hit the brick wall of separation and a potential divorce that I found Laura Doyle’s Empowered Wife book. I started practicing the 6 Intimacy Skills™, invested in coaching, and turned my marriage around for good. When I changed and became happier, I transformed my marriage from bickering and fighting to peaceful, connecting and deepened intimacy that I had always desired.

We immigrated to North America  for a better life and opportunities for our family. With my husband’s support and sacrifice, I completed my residency training and went on to build my career as a physician. Things looked picture perfect until it didn’t. I became unhappy because I could not find a balance between my work life and my home life. I wanted to give my best at home and at work but found it challenging. It was a different environment from my country where i previously had the support of extended family members. Working long hours, Taking calls and caring for my patients and then coming back home to cook, clean and care for my family was exhausting.

Our household was busy with my husband building his career, our children in school and involved in after school activities. I felt I was carrying too much of the load and I would complain about the unfairness of our situation. Feeling overworked, frustrated, angry and lonely I would initiate quarrels to get my husband’s attention. I thought it was his responsibility to fix the situation and to make me happy.

Overtime, the cracks began to show in my home life and I began to feel like a failure as a wife. In my plight to improve my marriage, I read many books on marriage, attended many seminars and took my husband to marriage counseling thinking it would help me fix my marriage, it only made things worse. It was until I hit rock bottom faced with the brick wall of separation and a potential divorce that I found the 6 intimacy Skills™.

I began practicing the skills but quickly realized that I needed the help of a coach to support me in my journey to achieve my vision of an intact family. My marriage transformation began after I invested in coaching and found my mojo. What a relief it was to find out I can succeed in both my marriage and my career as a physician without sacrificing one for the other! I turned my marriage around from bickering and fighting to the peaceful, loving and connected marriage that I enjoy today. Seeing the success of practicing the 6 intimacy skills ™ in my life, I decided to train as a coach to help other women physicians like me who are struggling in their marriage.

Let me show you how to rediscover intimacy, passion, and peace in your own marriage.